Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 334View
  • 17Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/9/26
  • Update date:2024/8/ 1
  • Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel
  • My friend is coming to Japan from overseas for Comiket. Are there any hotels you'd recommend?

A friend of mine is coming from overseas to participate in Comiket at the end of the year.
Our Japanese is still broken, so please tell us about a cheap hotel with good access to the venue and large beds so that tall girls can stretch their legs out while sleeping.

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3Man/17 The people
Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel

3-7-11 Ariake, Koto-ku

  • The hotel is located very close to Tokyo Big Sight.

  • The Comiket venue is the Tokyo Big Sight. I recommend the Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel, which is very close to the Tokyo Big Sight. Access to the venue is very good. There are no problems with English support. Many foreigners stay here, so the size of the beds should not be a problem.
    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/2/11)


  • 徒歩圏です

  • コミケの会場である、ビッグサイトのすぐ近くあります。例えば、グッズ等を買ったらすぐに見たいですよね。この近さのホテルならすぐ戻れて、イベント後の余韻をゆっくり楽しめます。
    はるか's answer (Posted on:2017/7/26)


  • 近いです。

  • 「東京ベイ有明ワシントンホテル」は、コミックマーケットが行われる東京ビッグサイトのすぐそばにあり、おすすめですよ。ベッドの長さも標準的です。(部屋タイプによって異なる場合あり。)心配があるようならば、事前にホテルに連絡しておくとよいですよ。
    なな's answer (Posted on:2016/12/23)


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