Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 334View
  • 17Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/9/26
  • Update date:2024/8/ 1
  • Hotel Trusty Tokyo Bayside
  • My friend is coming to Japan from overseas for Comiket. Are there any hotels you'd recommend?

A friend of mine is coming from overseas to participate in Comiket at the end of the year.
Our Japanese is still broken, so please tell us about a cheap hotel with good access to the venue and large beds so that tall girls can stretch their legs out while sleeping.

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6Man/17 The people
Hotel Trusty Tokyo Bayside

3-1-15 Ariake, Koto-ku

  • The hotel is within walking distance to the venue

  • It has good access to Tokyo Big Sight and Odaiba, and you can walk to the Comiket venue, so we recommend it. Even if you are traveling alone, you can stay in a room with a large bed, such as a superior double, so you can relax and unwind. The beds are also fluffy and comfortable.
    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/15)


  • 安心して宿泊

  • 国際展示場正門前から、無料のシャトルバスが運行しています。東京ビッグサイトも徒歩圏内にあり、土地勘の無い外国の方でも安心して宿泊することができます。清潔感のある客室で、ゆったりと寛ぐことができます。
    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/6/24)


  • 会場までわかりやすい場所

  • 会場までわかりやすいホテルがよいですよね。「ホテルトラスティ東京ベイサイド」は、いかがでしょうか。東京ビッグサイトまでは徒歩で約5分です。送迎バスも運行されているのですが、日本語に不安があれば歩いた方が快適かもしれません。
    るき's answer (Posted on:2016/12/20)


  • Modern hotel within walking distance of Tokyo Big Sight

  • When I went to the Tokyo Big Sight for work, I stayed at the Hotel Trusty Tokyo Bayside because it was close by, and it was much more comfortable than I expected. The rooms are modern and clean. The beds are 140cm wide, so I was able to relax and have a comfortable stay.
    poo's answer (Posted on:2014/10/14)


  • A shuttle bus leaves from the Yurikamome "Kokusai Tenjijo-seimon Station"

  • The closest station to the venue, "Kokusai Tenjijo Seimon-mae" on the Yurikamome Line, is about a 5-minute walk away, and there is also a shuttle bus, so it is very accessible. The bed is wide and comfortable, both vertically and horizontally. The bathtub is also large. There is a convenience store nearby, and the breakfast Buffet has both Japanese and Western dishes, so you don't have to move around much and you can spend your time stress-free.
    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/10/14)


  • A hotel close to Tokyo Big Sight and the station

  • Hotel Trusty Tokyo Bayside is located about a 7-minute walk from the Yurikamome line's Kokusai Tenjijo-seimon Station, and is easily accessible and relatively reasonably priced. The stylish rooms have large beds that are comfortable and great to sleep in. It's about a 10-minute walk to the Tokyo International Exhibition Center.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/10/10)


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