Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 178View
  • 12Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/2/ 7
  • Update date:2024/7/ 8
  • Shibuya Tokyu REI Hotel
  • Please tell me a hotel in a good location where I can enjoy the nightlife in Tokyo

I want to experience the nightlife in Tokyo! Tokyo I want to hang out with a few friends from my school days until late at night without worrying about the last train. Please tell me a reasonable and clean hotel in Tokyo.

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6Man/12 The people
Shibuya Tokyu REI Hotel

1-24-10 Shibuya-ku

  • Located in a prime location in Shibuya

  • I used to hang out around Shibuya when I was a student. The hotel I recommend is the Shibuya Tokyu REI Hotel. You'll be sure to have a great time, as it will bring you back to the feeling of a student trip. It's adjacent to the station, so it's okay if you get a little drunk.
    はるか's answer (Posted on:2017/8/22)


  • It's a cheap and convenient place to stay

  • The hotel is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from JR Shibuya Station, and offers easy access to the downtown area. You can relax in the clean interior and rooms. Reasonable accommodation prices are a recommended point.
    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/7/29)


  • It's Shibuya.

  • I didn't know where the places that remind me of my school days were, so I looked for one in Shibuya. The hotel I recommend is the Shibuya Tokyu REI Hotel. There are lots of bars and restaurants around here. Please try staying there.
    ヒナちゃん's answer (Posted on:2017/7/27)


  • Recommended hotels in Shibuya

  • If you want to reminisce about your student days and have fun, a hotel in Shinjuku or Shibuya would be good. I recommend the latter, the Shibuya Tokyu REI Hotel. The accommodation fee is not that high. The rooms and the building are well-cleaned and clean.
    びびお's answer (Posted on:2017/6/26)


  • You can enjoy nightlife

  • Hello, if that's the case, I would definitely recommend this Shibuya Tokyu REI Hotel, which is exactly what you're looking for. It has a relaxing atmosphere and is a high-quality inn where you can relax, so I think it would be a good choice.
    France's answer (Posted on:2017/6/14)


  • It's a beautiful hotel.

  • How about the Shibuya Tokyu REI Hotel, which is close to Shibuya Station? It's a great place to stay if you're looking to hang out in the area. The rooms are based on white and have a clean feel. reception desk is staffed 24 hours a day, so you won't have any problems even if you come late at night.
    るき's answer (Posted on:2017/4/18)


This hotel was also selected for this question.

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