Current number of reviews posted5,354 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 179View
  • 4Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2013/10/23
  • Update date:2024/8/ 2
  • Tsuruya Ryokan
  • I'd like to know about a guesthouse in Kinosaki Onsen that serves delicious crab! Are there any recommendations?

married couple and I would like to stay at a guesthouse and enjoy the homely hospitality of Japan. Please tell me about a guesthouse in Kinosaki that serves delicious crab. It would be even better if the hotel had a plan that included delicious meals. We are looking for a place for 20,000 yen per person per night.

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4Hotel rankings chosen by people
3Man/4 The people
Tsuruya Ryokan

Kinosakicho Yushima 606

  • Easy access and good food

  • I recommend "Kinosaki Onsen Tsuruya Ryokan (Japanese inn)." It's within a 15-minute walk from Kinosaki Station. It's a traditional inn located along the Otani River that runs through the hot spring town. It has a homey atmosphere and is easily accessible to other tourist spots. The hospitality is great, the food is delicious, and it's a great place to relax.
    エイム's answer (Posted on:2016/6/28)


All reviews(3View items

1Man/4 The people
Kinosaki Onsen Nishimuraya Honkan


  • I think it's a quiet environment, close to a guesthouse.

  • I'm not sure if this will completely meet your request for a "best bed and breakfast in Kinosaki," but I think you should consider Nishimuraya Honkan as one of your options. It doesn't feel like a bed and breakfast, but the facilities are very well-equipped and the environment is quiet, so I think it's a good choice. The hot spring has a great atmosphere, and the food is centered around crab, including Matsuba crab.
    miyosiko's answer (Posted on:2017/5/24)


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