Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 251View
  • 6Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2013/10/ 9
  • Update date:2024/8/ 2
  • Super Hotel Tottori Ekimae
  • 鳥取砂丘でパラグライダー体験がしたい!鳥取砂丘周辺のホテルをおしえて!


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2Man/6 The people
Super Hotel Tottori Ekimae

5, Ogimachi

  • A cheap hotel with a good location, just a minute's walk from Tottori Station

  • JR鳥取駅から歩いて1分程度の便利な立地にあり、鳥取砂丘への観光にも便利なホテルになります。全国展開しているチェーンのホテルなので、安心して宿泊することができます。清掃の行き届いた客室に、リーズナブルな宿泊価格がお勧めです。
    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/6/11)


  • A cheap hotel with easy access in front of Tottori Station

  • Hello. This is a business hotel that specializes in accommodation, but it has a large public bath, so I often use it for work. There is a parking lot, so you can come by car with peace of mind. However, please note that there are times when you cannot leave the parking lot. There are two Super Hotels in front of Tottori Station, but they are both pretty much the same.
    あぶ's answer (Posted on:2016/6/ 1)


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