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  • Fuji Lake Hotel
  • 冬休みに彼女と初めての旅行をします。富士山が部屋のお風呂から見られるホテルを教えて!


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4Man/8 The people
Fuji Lake Hotel


  • There are rooms with a great view of Mt. Fuji

  • I recommend this hotel on the shores of Lake Kawaguchi. Due to its location, there are rooms with a view of the large Mt. Fuji. The large open-air bath is nice, but I recommend the private observation bath where you can bathe while looking at Mt. Fuji. The food at both dinner and breakfast is visually gorgeous and delicious.
    歴史大好き's answer (Posted on:2017/9/17)


  • There is a room with a view of Mt. Fuji from the window.

  • If you are looking for a hotel where you can see Mt. Fuji from your room, I recommend the Fuji Lake Hotel. It is located on the shores of Lake Kawaguchi. The rooms are divided into lake view and mantle view, so please specify when making your reservation. It is a nice hotel and I'm sure your girlfriend will be pleased.
    びびお's answer (Posted on:2017/6/28)


  • A hotel where you can enjoy the view of Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji

  • I recommend Fuji Lake Hotel. It is a beautiful lakeside inn with a great atmosphere. The air is fresh and the views of Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji are amazing. The open-air baths in the rooms are great, but the large communal baths are also very good. The open-air cypress bath and rock bath make you feel close to nature. The private baths are also recommended, as you can soak in the hot springs of Lake Kawaguchi while looking at Mt. Fuji.
    France's answer (Posted on:2017/6/17)


  • Recommended hotels on the shores of Lake Kawaguchi

  • おすすめは、河口湖温泉 富士レークホテルさんです。富士山の麓の位置し、河口湖畔に佇む歴史のある雰囲気の良い素敵なホテル。露天風呂付き客室は勿論、料理もとても美味しく満足感のある宿泊体験が得られるホテルです。ビーフシチューはこのホテルの名物なのでぜひ食べてみてください。
    エイム's answer (Posted on:2016/6/12)


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