Current number of reviews posted5,354 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 10Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2023/11/ 6
  • Update date:2024/7/25
  • Oumeishigamionsen Seiryuu no Yado Okutamaji
  • I'm looking for a hot spring inn where I can eat sukiyaki.

My Korean friend is coming to Japan. She wants to eat sukiyaki, so I'm looking for a hot spring inn that serves it. Please tell me a hot spring inn in the Tokyo metropolitan area that serves sukiyaki!

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10Hotel rankings chosen by people
4Man/10 The people
Oumeishigamionsen Seiryuu no Yado Okutamaji

  • There is an all-you-can-eat sukiyaki plan with all-you-can-eat vegetables and meat.

  • This is a recommended inn in Ome Ishigami Onsen that offers an all-you-can-eat sukiyaki plan with all-you-can-eat vegetables and meat. It also comes with all-you-can-drink, so it's very cost-effective. You can enjoy Okutama's natural hot springs as much as you like in the large public bath.
    綾ちん's answer (Posted on:2023/11/19)


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3Man/10 The people
Sanyo Hotel

557-13 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa City

  • We have a sukiyaki course plan!

  • Sanyo Hotel is a hot spring inn in Ikaho, Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture, which is easily accessible from Tokyo via the Tohoku Expressway. For dinner, they offer a sukiyaki course where you can enjoy Gunma's brand beef, Joshu beef, and brand pork, Joshu Mochi Pork, which will delight friends from overseas. You can enjoy the soft, silvery waters of the hot springs in the large public bath with sauna and the open-air bath.
    ゆうてん's answer (Posted on:2023/11/11)


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1Man/10 The people
Hakone Yumoto Onsen Tsuki no Yado Sara

588-1 Yumoto

  • Easy access from the Tokyo metropolitan area! A hotel where you can enjoy Japanese atmosphere and hot springs

  • Hakone Onsen is one of the hot springs with easy access from Tokyo. If you stay at Tsuki no Yado Sara with a plan that includes dinner, you can choose Wagyu beef sukiyaki as your main dish. With this plan, the room you stay in will have an open-air bath, so it will be easy for foreigners to enjoy the hot springs. There is also a private bath, and the floor is covered with tatami mats. The interior is stylish with a modern Japanese design. If you want to stay in a beautiful hotel while enjoying the Japanese atmosphere, this is the perfect hot spring inn.
    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2023/11/13)


1Man/10 The people
Centurion Hakone Bettei

Sengokuhara 1285-389

  • This is a popular Ryokan (Japanese inn) where all rooms have a semi-open-air bath.

  • This is Ryokan (Japanese inn) where every room has a semi-open-air bath. There is also a large public bath where you can enjoy 100% natural hot spring. With plans that include meals, you can choose between sukiyaki or Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)as your main dish. If no preference is given, sukiyaki will be served. There is also a special sukiyaki course using carefully selected Japanese beef. The rooms have a modern Japanese feel and are clean, so you can spend a special time here. The building is a grand Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a Japanese feel, and friends visiting from overseas are sure to be satisfied.
    asas's answer (Posted on:2023/12/11)


1Man/10 The people
Onyado Megumi

361, Miyakami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun

  • Enjoy delicious Hida beef sukiyaki in a Japanese-style room with an open-air bath

  • This hot spring inn offers a Hida beef sukiyaki plan, available only in the winter. You can choose from a variety of room types, including Japanese-style rooms with open-air baths. The food is sumptuous and highly satisfying, including sashimi of local fish from Sagami Bay. Both the men's and women's baths have open-air baths and saunas, so you can enjoy the hot springs as well. Another recommended point is the ease of access, being just a five-minute taxi ride from Yugawara Station.
    Euc's answer (Posted on:2023/12/11)


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