Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 16Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/9/25
  • Update date:2024/7/11
  • Hotel Park Hills
  • Shirogane Onsen│Hotels with convenient access to the Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei

My family and I are going to visit the popular tourist spot, Shirogane Blue Pond, in Biei, Hokkaido, but we would also like to soak in the open-air baths at Shirogane Onsen. Can you recommend a place to stay in Shirogane Onsen that is easy to get to the Shirogane Blue Pond?

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16Hotel rankings chosen by people
6Man/16 The people
Hotel Park Hills


  • Recommended accommodations in Biei Shirogane Onsen with good access to the Shirogane Blue Pond

  • This is a recommended inn in Biei Shirogane Onsen, with good access to the Shirogane Blue Pond. The distance to the pond is less than 5km. This inn allows you to enjoy natural hot springs in a large public bath equipped with a spacious open-air bath. Meals are also recommended as they are served in an all-you-can-eat buffet format.
    綾ちん's answer (Posted on:2024/1/31)


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6Man/16 The people
Mori no Ryotei Biei

10522-1 Shirogane, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun

  • A lodging in Shirogane Onsen close to the Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei!

  • We recommend this inn because it is conveniently located for families visiting the popular Biei tourist spot, "Shirogane Blue Pond." This is an inn where you can relax with your family. For meals, you can enjoy seasonal Japanese meals such as roast beef made from Hokkaido wagyu beef. The hot springs are equipped with open-air baths in the rooms. This is a recommended inn where you can enjoy the hot springs in a private space just for your family.
    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2024/2/ 1)


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3Man/16 The people
Taisetsuzan Shiroganekankou Hotel


  • Just 3 minutes to Biei's Blue Pond! A budget-friendly accommodation with a price tag of less than 10,000 yen per person.

  • In addition to the Blue Pond, there are plenty of sightseeing spots in the surrounding area, so this is a recommended inn. The Blue Pond is a 3-minute drive away, and it is also close to Shirahige Falls, known as sacred places, and the flower field Shikisai-no-Oka. You can enjoy visiting those places as well. In the open-air bath, you can enjoy the seasonal scenery while bathing in the Shirogane Onsen hot spring water 100% natural hot spring. The accommodation fee, including two meals, is less than 10,000 yen, making it a reasonable price for a family trip.
    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2024/2/ 5)


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1Man/16 The people
Yumoto Shirogane Onsen Hotel

Shirogane, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun

  • A recommended hot spring inn as a base for sightseeing in Furano and Biei

  • The hotel is close to the Shirogane Blue Pond and Shirahige Falls, and is also easily accessible from Furano and Biei, making it a recommended hot spring inn for sightseeing. The open-air bath where you can enjoy the Shirogane Onsen is 100% free-flowing, so you can relax in the hot spring and enjoy the soothing sound of the babbling brook. The indoor bath is spacious and comes equipped with a sauna. All rooms are Japanese-style, so you can relax on the tatami mats and relieve your daily fatigue.
    おゆきち's answer (Posted on:2024/1/26)


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