Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 11Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2015/3/10
  • Update date:2024/7/ 8
  • Hilton Tokyo Odaiba
  • What are the best hotels for the Tokyo Bay Fireworks Festival?

Could you please tell me about a hotel where I can see the fireworks on Tokyo Bay from the room or lounge? I would also be grateful if you could give me some advice on how far in advance I need to make a reservation.

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11Hotel rankings chosen by people
10Man/11 The people
Hilton Tokyo Odaiba

1-9-1 Daiba, Minato-ku

  • You can see Tokyo Bay

  • "Hotel Nikko Tokyo" is a famous hotel with a panoramic view of Tokyo Bay. This hotel receives many reservations for the Tokyo Bay Fireworks Festival. Reservations should be available from late May to early June, so why not check it out?
    まき's answer (Posted on:2015/3/28)


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1Man/11 The people
Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba

2-6-1 daiba minato-ku

  • You can watch the fireworks from above

  • If you stay at Hotel Grand Pacific LE DAIBA, you can see the fireworks from the club lounge. If you book a room on the Rainbow Bridge side, you can see the fireworks from Tokyo Bay. Because it is a tall hotel, you will feel like you are watching from above, which is also very beautiful. As soon as the date of the fireworks display is decided, popular plans are often available, so we recommend making your reservation as soon as the date is decided.
    みぽ's answer (Posted on:2015/3/27)


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