Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 11Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2015/2/ 3
  • Update date:2024/8/29
  • Zao Kokusai Hotel
  • Please tell me about a hot spring Ryokan in Zao Onsen that you definitely want to visit in your lifetime!

Please introduce us to some recommended hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Zao Onsen that have high quality hot springs, great hotel service, and Breathtaking view views from the hotels, making them a must-visit spot.

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11Hotel rankings chosen by people
6Man/11 The people
Zao Kokusai Hotel

933 Zao Onsen

  • This hotel is located on the slopes!

  • This is one of the largest hotels in Zao Onsen, conveniently located on the slopes. It is also close to the ropeway station, and the famous frost-covered forest spreads around the summit station. Zao Onsen is a traditional hot spring with a high sulfur content, a milky white sulfur-rich hot​ ​spring with a unique smell. It is a very hot spring-like inn, and I highly recommend it.
    のむた's answer (Posted on:2015/2/11)


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2Man/11 The people
Zao Shikino Hotel

1272 Zao Onsen

  • There are plenty of open-air baths

  • Although it is a large hotel, it also has Japanese-style rooms and an open-air bath. You can relax in the milky-coloured sulfur spring while enjoying the panoramic view of the Zao mountain range. There are several baths, each with its own unique style, so you can enjoy them in a variety of ways. For meals, you can enjoy delicious dishes made with local Zao ingredients and local sake in the restaurant. The melt-in-your-mouth Zao beef is exquisite.
    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2015/2/11)


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1Man/11 The people
Zao Plaza Hotel

Zao Onsen 2

  • The restaurant has a wonderful view.

  • I recommend Zao Plaza Hotel. It is located on the side of a mountain, so the scenery is amazing. From the dining room window, you can see the mountains looming on the left and the world below on the right, and you can look at the Breathtaking view forever. The bath is very large, so there is no crowding. Please be careful, as if the hot water gets into your eyes, it will hurt your eyes for a while due to the quality of the water.
    TS's answer (Posted on:2021/1/24)


1Man/11 The people
Takamiya Ryokan Miyamaso

54 Zao Onsen

  • This is a hotel where every care has been taken.

  • 古い温泉街の奥の方にあるので、ちょっと不便ですが、そのぶん、秘湯の雰囲気が味わえます!車は手前の場所に置き、階段を登ってホテルに入りますが、荷物持ちの方が来てくれます。公衆浴場の周辺を散策すると日本の伝統的な温泉街の雰囲気が味わえて「これぞ日本!」という風景が最高です。階段が宿の中に多いですが、お風呂も最高だったので行く価値はありだと思います。
    nakko's answer (Posted on:2015/2/15)


1Man/11 The people
Takamiya Hotel Rurikura Resort

1118-7 Zao Onsen

  • A resort-style hotel with a welcoming atmosphere

  • This hotel has a free shuttle from Zao Bus Terminal, and is located on a plateau, so the air is fresh and you can see the nature, so I recommend it. The large public bath is comfortable and you can stretch your legs out. It was also nice that the water is straight from the source. The room also had a mountain view, so I was able to stay comfortably.
    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/12/ 3)


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