Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 135View
  • 11Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2015/1/13
  • Update date:2024/7/ 8
  • Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Hot Springs
  • What is the best hotel in Miyagi Prefecture where you can enjoy all-you-can-eat oysters?

Oyster huts are a hot topic in Tokyo, but I'd like to go to a real oyster place and eat oysters. So, please tell me about hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Miyagi that offer all-you-can-eat oysters.

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2Man/11 The people
Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Hot Springs

1-1 Isozakihama, Matsushima-cho, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi 981-0212

  • I recommend Oedo Onsen Monogatari.

  • When you think of oysters in Miyagi, Matsushima is the place to go. I think this hotel is good. It's part of the Oedo Onsen Monogatari group, so you can stay there at a reasonable price. The hotel is proud of its Buffet meals, mainly seafood, and its well-equipped hot springs. You can eat as​ ​many oysters as you want at the nearby oyster hut.
    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/4/24)


  • There is an all-you-can-eat oyster buffet.

  • I stayed here once on a company trip. It's located in Matsushima, Miyagi. The dinner and breakfast Buffet had a wide variety of items. They had oysters, crab, beef tongue, steak, sushi, etc. The food was replenished frequently, and the serving time seemed to be set quite long. There was also a hot spring, it was clean, the staff were friendly, and it was comfortable. However, if you're going for the oysters, I think the all-you-can-eat​ ​oyster hut is much better value and tastier. Please check it out.
    PP's answer (Posted on:2015/2/ 1)


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