Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 9Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2015/1/ 8
  • Update date:2024/7/ 8
  • Izu-Imaihama Tokyu Hotel
  • Are there any recommended hotels in Kawazu with ocean views?

I'm going to see the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu, and am wondering if there are any recommended hotels nearby with rooms with ocean views?

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9Hotel rankings chosen by people
7Man/9 The people
Izu-Imaihama Tokyu Hotel

35-1 MitakaImai, Kawazu-cho, Kamo-gun

  • Enjoy Imaihama Onsen

  • The hotel is located along Route 135. You can also enjoy Imaihama Onsen. All rooms have an ocean view, and the hotel is equipped with a Japanese and Western restaurant, a steakhouse, a bar, an aroma salon, etc. The open-air bath is very comfortable and spacious.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2015/1/24)


All reviews(7View items

1Man/9 The people
Izukogen Shirogasaki Onsen Hanafubuki

1041 Yawatano

  • All hot springs are private and there are independent guest cottages buildings at this hot spring inn.

  • It's not in Kawazu, but I stayed here previously with my family of four and my aunt-in-law when we went to see the Kawazu cherry blossoms. I think it was about 30 minutes by train to Kawazu. The inn is spread across a large area, with reception desk and dining area, accommodation buildings, and private hot springs. All the hot springs are private, and you can use them as many times as you like when they are available.
    かずぽん's answer (Posted on:2015/1/25)


1Man/9 The people
Atagawakan Hotel


  • All rooms have ocean views!!

  • Although it is not in Kawazu, it is located in Atagawa Onsen in Higashiizu, and I think it is about 20 minutes by car from the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival venue. It is about 30 minutes by foot or express train, so it was quite convenient. All rooms have an ocean view and are located in a position where you can see the sunrise perfectly. The bath is a hot spring, and there is an open-air bath and a private bath, so you can relax. There is free parking, so it is no problem to go by car.
    PP's answer (Posted on:2015/1/24)


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