Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 173View
  • 7Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/12/22
  • Update date:2024/7/ 8
  • Manzaonsen Nisshinkan
  • Could you please tell me about some remote hot springs in the Kanto region and some accommodations nearby?

Please let me know if there are any lesser known hot spring inns in the Kanto region.

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2Man/7 The people
Manzaonsen Nisshinkan


  • You can enjoy famous hot springs in the midst of nature

  • The reason we recommend this Ryokan (Japanese inn) is that you can enjoy the famous Manza Onsen hot springs in the middle of nature surrounded by mountains on all sides. Ryokan (Japanese inn) is not a large modern hotel, but it has everything you need and you won't feel inconvenienced. Above all, the hot springs are so satisfying that you can try out the different baths.
    サカスミ's answer (Posted on:2016/6/ 1)


  • The hot springs are wonderful

  • It's not exactly a hidden gem, as it's a lively area with a ski resort, but the hot springs are wonderful. Manza Onsen itself is famous as a hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn), with the smell of sulfur hanging in the air. Among them, this Ryokan (Japanese inn) also offers hot spring therapy and has many baths, so you can enjoy the hot springs to your heart's content. The sight of the hot spring resort emerging from the town through the mountain path gives you an atmosphere close to that of a hidden gem.
    おかか99's answer (Posted on:2016/3/20)


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