Current number of reviews posted2,622 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • Sumiyosiya
  • I want to go on a girls' trip to Nozawa Onsen. Can you recommend a retro hot spring inn that would be good instagrammable?

I'm planning to go on a girls' trip to Nozawa Onsen with four of my close female friends. Can you recommend a retro hot spring inn that will soothe both the body and mind and has an instagrammable exterior, interior, and food?

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3Man/8 The people

Toyosato 8713,Nozawa Onsen

  • Retro style makes girls' trip more exciting

  • Hotel Sumiyoshiya in the village has a retro exterior, an interior filled with the romanticism of the Taisho era, and a clean and elegant appearance. The room is a spacious 47 square meter Japanese and Western room for four people, and is equipped with a bathroom and toilet. The warmth of the wood is soothing to the soul. The food is made with seasonal ingredients and local cuisine, so you can enjoy delicious Shinshu cuisine.
    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/2/20)
  • Full of retro feel from the exterior to the interior

  • Although it is called a hotel, the inn features a traditional building with a remnant of a Meiji or Taisho period Ryokan (Japanese inn). With wooden sliding doors and lattice windows, it exudes a good old Japanese feel and is sure to instagrammable. The bathroom is a reproduction of the indoor bath at Sumiyoshiya Ryokan (Japanese inn) from the Taisho period, and the colored glass windows arranged in a mosaic create a feeling of Taisho romance. This is an inn where you can immerse yourself in retro style, both inside and out, and even in the atmosphere.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/2/ 1)
  • Relax in the retro atmosphere that still retains the atmosphere of the Taisho period

  • This hotel is recommended not only for its elegant exterior, but also for its retro baths that recreate indoor baths from the Taisho period. Each room is different, and the views from the beautiful purely Japanese-style rooms are tasteful and amazing. The lobby is also a relaxing space with an irori Japanese hearth where you can relax and read books at your leisure.
    Michik0914's answer (Posted on:2019/2/23)

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