Current number of reviews posted2,622 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 9Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/9/24
  • Update date:2024/6/20
  • Yutorelo Yamaga
  • I'm going on a trip to Kumamoto with my girlfriend. Can you recommend a high-class Ryokan (Japanese inn) we can take a hot spring bath and have lunch included?

I'm planning a trip to Kumamoto with my girlfriend. We've decided to go to Kumamoto Castle, but we also want to take a dip in hot spring somewhere. Kurokawa Onsen is famous, but it doesn't have to be Kurokawa Onsen. Can you tell me a high-end hot spring inn Kumamoto Prefecture where we can take a dip in hot spring with lunch included? Our budget is 20,000 yen per person. We'll go by car.

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9Hotel rankings chosen by people
5Man/9 The people
Yutorelo Yamaga

702 Munakata-dori, Yamaga-shi

  • 熊本・山鹿温泉の日帰りプランがあるお宿!

  • 「熊本旬彩の宿ゆとりろ山鹿」はランチ付きの日帰りプランがあるお宿なので、おすすめいたします!ランチは豚ロース陶板焼などが出てくるおいしい和食御膳をいただくことができます。ワンドリンクのサービスも付いていました。温泉は全国的に珍しい、天然ラドンを含んだアルカリ性のなめらかなお湯を楽しめます。露天風呂や大浴場でのんびりできます。
    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2022/10/ 3)

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1Man/9 The people
Ryokan Shougen Sansou

1-1 Kawasaki, Tamana-shi

  • 1泊3食付きプランなら昼食も頂けます

  • 尚玄山荘 は如何でしょうか。1泊3食付きプランなら昼食も頂けます。場所はJR玉名駅から車で8分程度にあります。1人16500円程度なので予算内で利用可能です。お風呂は源泉かけ流しで露天風呂から庭園を眺めながらゆっくり寛げます。アルカリ単純泉の泉質は疲労回復や美肌効果を期待できます。夕食は旬の地元食材を使った会席料理を部屋食でいただけます。昼食も部屋食で松花堂弁当になります。
    アラート's answer (Posted on:2022/9/24)

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1Man/9 The people
South Aso and Relaxing Spa Resort Hotel Greenpia Minamiaso

4411-9 Hisaishi Minamiasomura

  • 熊本ならではの贅沢あか牛ランチ満喫

  • こちらは南阿蘇の温泉リゾートホテルです。あか牛の溶岩焼き御膳のランチを満喫してきました。熊本でしか味わえない貴重なあか牛は厚みがあるのにとろける柔らかさと濃い旨味に感激。大浴場の露天風呂は雄大な阿蘇の自然美を眺めながら、のんびりと満喫できました。13:00 ~ 17:00の間に客室利用ができるので、旅気分を存分に味わえます。タオルも貸してもらえるので手ぶらOKです。
    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2022/10/ 1)

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1Man/9 The people
Hamazen Ryokan

Hinagunaka Nishimachi 379

  • 半露天風呂付きの客室を利用できる宿

  • 源泉かけ流しの半露天風呂付きの客室を利用できるので、カップルで周りを気にすることなくゆったりと温泉に浸かれます。温泉は体の芯からぽかぽかに温まり、肌もツルツルになるので女性には嬉しいですね。部屋は4時間利用できるのでゆっくり過ごせます。昼食は伊勢海老の黄金焼きが付いた和食膳を味わえます。
    ひひん's answer (Posted on:2022/11/12)

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5. Kafutei

1Man/9 The people

Kikuka-machi Ikenaga 177

  • An inn where you can enjoy Kumamoto 's original kaiseki cuisine and hot spring Onsen

  • Although Ryokan (Japanese inn) is quietly located in the countryside, you can feel the atmosphere of a Japanese Ryokan (Japanese inn) from the entrance. It has a Japanese modern atmosphere, so it is the perfect inn for those who want to relax and spend a relaxing time, and the hot spring is also quite famous. The water is said to be thick and mellow, and many people return for this hot spring. It makes your skin smooth and your hair silky smooth. I think women will be happy. The food is kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with locally produced ingredients from Kumamoto Prefecture, and it is well-balanced and very satisfying, with high-quality horse sashimi and steak that you would never normally be able to eat, seafood, and desserts. They also explain the food thoroughly, so you can enjoy each dish while savoring its flavor. This inn combines the open feeling of nature, the exquisite kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )unique to Kumamoto, the thick hot spring, and first-class hospitality, so please visit it once. It is also great that it is reasonably priced.
    温泉大好き夫婦's answer (Posted on:2022/9/27)

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