Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 1Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/9/25
  • Update date:2024/6/19
  • Yuzawa Grand Hotel
  • Summer girls trip! Where can I stay in Echigo Yuzawa Onsen and a great view?

I'm planning a trip to Echigo Yuzawa Onsen with a friend during summer vacation. I want to take a bath in an open-air bath with a nice view or surrounded by nature, so are there any recommended lodgings? It would be even better if they had services for girls' trips and delicious meals! I'm thinking of spending around 15,000 yen per person.

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1Hotel rankings chosen by people
1Man/1 The people
Yuzawa Grand Hotel

2494 Yuzawa, Yuzawa-machi, Minami Uonuma-gun Niigata

  • A hotel with a refreshing open-air bath

  • Yuzawa Grand Hotel is a refreshing and elegant inn. It also has open-air bath surrounded by Nature. open-air bath has a rock bath and a jacuzzi, both of which are surrounded by mountain scenery, making it easy to spend a peaceful time, and the magnificent sky and mountain scenery are soothing. Services for women include body scrubbing, and there is also a drink service in the bath area. Meals are buffet style or Japanese food kaiseki cuisine, and both were delicious with authentic dishes made from local ingredients.
    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2022/8/ 6)


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