Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 2Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2014/9/25
  • Update date:2024/6/19
  • Nagoya Kanko Hotel
  • Can you recommend a hotel with Buffet near Nagoya Castle?

I'm going to Nagoya Castle with family, taking my castle-loving child. Since I have a child, I would like to have Buffet for both breakfast and dinner. Is there a hotel that meets the criteria and is close to Nagoya Castle?

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2Hotel rankings chosen by people
1Man/2 The people
Nagoya Kanko Hotel

1-19-30 Nishiki Naka-Ku, Aichi Prefecture

  • Recommended hotels with Buffet

  • Since you are looking for a hotel with Buffet in Nagoya, I recommend sightseeing. It is within walking distance of Fushimi Station, Nagoya's downtown, and there are many restaurants and izakayas, so it is a convenient location. The lobby and rooms are elegant. As you requested, the meals are served buffet style, and they also have specialties such as roast beef, so I recommend it.
    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2017/8/25)


1Man/2 The people
Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel

1-1-4, Meieki, Nakamura-ku

  • Convenient and safe for families with children

  • 子連れでも安心して泊まれると思います。名古屋駅の真上なので移動も楽ですし、バイキングも安定感があります。子供用に塗り絵や紙エプロンの用意もあります。観光やその他食事等の相談も気軽に乗ってもらえると思います。新幹線側のお部屋だとお子様もより楽しいのではと思います。名古屋城への移動もバス地下鉄ともにありますし、タクシーを使っても安いです。
    けんど's answer (Posted on:2018/11/18)


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