Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 399View
  • 26Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2019/8/20
  • Update date:2024/8/ 8
  • Gero Onsen Suimeikan
  • Where can I stay in Gero Onsen where I can enjoy the night view and all-you-can-eat meals?


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5Man/26 The people
Gero Onsen Suimeikan

1268 Koden

  • 下呂の老舗旅館です。

  • It is a long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn), but it is well-cleaned and has renovated rooms, so it is very clean. The thick water that is unique to Gero Onsen warmed my body well. It seems to be good for the skin too. The breakfast buffet had a variety of options and was delicious. The view of the Tobida River, the mountains, and the city was also nice.
    こま's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


  • You can enjoy a panoramic view of Gero's majestic mountains, rivers, and townscape.

  • 下呂温泉でしたら、水明館 さんはいかがでしょうか。こちらの宿は4棟の館があり、それぞれ趣が違います。夜景を見たいのであれば「臨川閣」と「飛泉閣」の2棟は、建物が高いので上階の客室はより眺めが良いです。下呂の雄大な山と川や、街並みを一望できます。食事処は数か所ありますが、朝食はバイキング式のプランもあります。
    yagam's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


  • I was impressed by the night view from the observation bath.

  • 私がお勧めしたいのは水明館です。料理は夕食はバイキングではなくて、飛弾の新鮮な食材を使った和と洋の折衷会席でしたがメニューが多くてお腹いっぱいになりました。朝食は和と洋のバイキング式でこちらもメニューが豊富でしたよ。お風呂は数か所ありますが、展望大浴場は下呂の街の夜景が見えて感動しました。
    katto's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


  • Four inns lined up along the Tobida River

  • "Suimeikan" is an inn consisting of four buildings lined up along the Tobida River. Each building has a different atmosphere, but if you would like to enjoy the night view, we recommend "Rinsenkaku". This building is the highest of the four, so if you request a room on the upper floors you can get a panoramic view of Gero's townscape. There are several dining options, and while dinner is a kaiseki meal, there is Buffet for breakfast.
    みこっち's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


  • A relaxing and leisurely inn

  • 3つの温泉大浴場がとても魅力的な温泉宿!おすすめは、下呂温泉 水明館さんです。彼女さんが特に喜ぶ美人の湯としても有名な下呂温泉の泉質はとても滑らかで柔らかく、カップルで泊るならプライベート性を担保出来る露天風呂付きの客室がおすすめ。飛騨川の爽快な景色と風情を独占できる贅沢さと美味しい部屋食の充実はとても魅力的ですよ♪
    エイム's answer (Posted on:2019/8/20)


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