Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 241View
  • 18Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2019/4/19
  • Update date:2024/6/19
  • Kinugawaonsen Monogusanoyado Hanasenkyo
  • Kinugawa Onsen|Which hotels do you recommend that are “uncrowded” and safe for families with children?

I'm going to Kinugawa Onsen with my children on my next vacation. Because my children are still small, I'd like to stay at a hotel that isn't too crowded. Are there any recommended hotels where we can relax and not be crowded?

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2Man/18 The people
Kinugawaonsen Monogusanoyado Hanasenkyo

482-6 Kinugawaonsen-Taki

  • This is a place where babies are very welcome!

  • How about this inn, which boasts a Breathtaking view view of the Kinugawa River from every room? The hot springs are also available for babies who are still in diapers, so this is Ryokan (Japanese inn) that welcomes small children. You can choose to have meals served in your room, so you can relax with just the family, and there is also a kids' room, so it's safe for traveling with children.
    すみのすみ's answer (Posted on:2019/3/20)


  • We recommend having dinner in your room

  • The one night, one meal plan (dinner only) is reasonably priced and recommended. The spacious rooms have baths and you can eat dinner in your room, so you can relax and enjoy your time with your family. Also, breakfast is not included, so you can take it easy in the morning.
    良き人's answer (Posted on:2019/3/17)


This hotel was also selected for this question.

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