Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Ryokan Yakakutei」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Ryokan Yakakutei

1-8 Togo, Hayato-cho

"Ryokan YakakuteiReviews about "

  • A hot spring resort loved by ancient people.

  • This inn uses the hot spring water from the source of Hinatayama Onsen. In fact, it is said that Saigo Takamori frequently visited this hot spring. The open-air bath made of wood and stone gives off a sense of elegance. There is also an open-air bath in the independent guest cottages room, so you can bathe whenever you like, which is highly recommended. The food is kaiseki cuisine made with the highest quality Japanese black beef raised in Kagoshima Prefecture, and you can drink authentic shochu. Although it is a little far away, one of the most famous shochu brands in Kagoshima is Moriizo. It is so popular that it is even served by airlines such as JAL. Why not visit this brewery?
    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


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