Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Fufu Rotenburo no Yado Ginsyou」の口コミ&詳細

4The people
Fufu Rotenburo no Yado Ginsyou

5-26-29 Yunohama, Ibusuki-shi

"Fufu Rotenburo no Yado GinsyouReviews about "

  • 海面と露天風呂の湯面がつながるインフィニティ感が体験できます

  • 「夫婦露天風呂の宿」と銘打っていますが、べつに夫婦限定の宿というわけではありません。5人まで一緒に泊まれる部屋があり、宿泊料金もリーズナブルなので、おすすめの宿です。海沿いにあるので、客室からは鹿児島湾を一望できますよ。オーシャンビューをバックにきれいな写真も撮れると思います。予算次第では源泉かけ流しの露天風呂付き客室に泊まることもでき、プライベートな入浴を楽しめるとともに、記念撮影もできますね。温泉は源泉かけ流しで、2階には大浴場(内湯)があり、大海原を見渡せます。さらに9階に露天風呂があり、ここでは湯船の湯面と海の水面がつながって見えるインフィニティ感が体験できます。眼下には錦江湾があり、遠くには大隅半島や佐多岬が見えます。夕食は地元の旬の食材を生かした会席料理ですが、目の前で揚げてもらえるさつま揚げが熱々でとても美味しいですよ。この宿には展望デッキがあるので、写真を撮るスポットには事欠きませんし、目の前には砂浜、隣には砂むし温泉もあるので、ちょっと出かけて写真を撮ってくるのもよいと思います。
    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/1/ 5)


  • Just a 1-minute walk from the sand bath hot spring! The rooms are also great for enjoying hot spring date.

  • "Saraku," famous for its sand baths, is easily accessible, just a one-minute walk away, and is a hot spring inn that focuses on accommodation for couples and married couple. There are rooms with open-air baths so you can enjoy the hot springs together, and the Tenku No Tenburo has Breathtaking view where you can experience the infinity hot springs that are currently a hot topic. There are also daybeds in the rooms where you can relax together, so you're sure to have a fulfilling time outside of the hot springs.
    えんがわ's answer (Posted on:2019/7/24)


  • Both the open-air bath and the sand bath are amazing.

  • This hotel is right in front of the sea of Ibusuki Onsen. The rooms are very clean and the amenities are plentiful. I recommend the "Tenku No Tenburo." The sea stretches out before your eyes, and the time you spend relaxing in the bathtub is truly soothing. You can also enjoy delicious cuisine made with seasonal ingredients. I also enjoyed the sand bath nearby. Staying at this hotel and feeling refreshed will surely give you motivation for your exams.
    仏16's answer (Posted on:2016/10/20)


  • A relaxing and comfortable inn with a sand bath nearby

  • There are many famous Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Ibusuki, but Ginmatsu is a little smaller, but it is very relaxing. Meals are served in private rooms (in-room dining may also be available). It was fun to fry the famous Satsumaage on the spot, and the other dishes were delicious as well. Prices vary depending on the room and food, so it's best to choose one that fits your budget. We didn't choose the most luxurious plan, but the room was clean and spacious enough for two people, with a great view, and it was Ryokan (Japanese inn) that I would like to stay at again. There were about three private family baths.
    pen3hi's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


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