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Okamotoya Ryokan」の口コミ&詳細

3The people
Okamotoya Ryokan

4 kumi, Myoban, Beppu-shi

"Okamotoya RyokanReviews about "

  • This is a popular inn so make your reservation early.

  • If you want traditional, natural 100% natural hot spring, the Myoban Onsen or Kannawa Onsen areas are a good choice. In the Myoban area, which is famous for its deposits, you will be satisfied with any of the inns, but this inn in particular is so popular that it is difficult to get a reservation. It is in a historic building with a great view, so its popularity is understandable.
    のふのふ's answer (Posted on:2021/12/ 2)


  • A mix of Meiji, Taisho and Showa era buildings

  • If you are in Beppu Onsen, how about "Okamotoya Ryokan (Japanese inn)"? It is a long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a quaint appearance where buildings from the Meiji, Taisho and Showa eras are mixed. Once you pass through the entrance hall where you can feel the tradition of the inn that was founded in 1875, you will find a purely Japanese-style building. The guest rooms are filled with the scent of wood, and there are special rooms with indoor baths with 100% natural hot spring water and spacious Japanese-style rooms available. The hot spring water is soft to the touch and has a milky celadon color. The 100% pure free-flowing water contains a lot of sulfur and is impressive for its mysterious color. There are large public baths for men and women, a rock bath, a cypress bath, and water that is drinkable, so please feel the effects of the water for yourself. You can also enjoy hell steaming, which uses the steam from the hot spring that gushes out. kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ), which features seasonal ingredients unique to Oita, is colorful and vibrant. You can enjoy handmade flavors that are also carefully made to look good.
    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/16)


  • Established in 1875, this inn is nestled in tranquil Nature!

  • How about staying at this long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn), nestled in tranquil nature? From the traditional Japanese interior, you can enjoy a view of the historic scenery. There are private rooms where you can enjoy hot spring water 100% natural hot spring, and you can enjoy the open-air garden bath and rock bath in the large communal bath.
    katto's answer (Posted on:2019/5/24)


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