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"Old England Dogo Yamanote Hotel" Reviews & Details

5The people
Old England Dogo Yamanote Hotel

1-13 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

"Old England Dogo Yamanote HotelReviews about "

  • イギリスの雰囲気で大浴場もある宿

  • こちらは大浴場を持つ宿ですが、館内はイングランドのデザインでとてもお洒落です。部屋も洋室となりますが、壁紙も可愛い雰囲気です。お料理はワインと共に美味しいフレンチをいただき、優雅に過ごす事が出来ました。敷地内にガラス美術館があり、アートも気軽に楽しめました。朝食もとても美味しく大満足の宿でした。
    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 3)


  • Overlooking the hot spring town of Dogo

  • Dogo Yamanote Hotel is located on a hill overlooking the Dogo Onsen hot spring town, and offers Breathtaking view of the Oku-Dogo mountains in the distance. The building has a retro-modern atmosphere reminiscent of England, yet the baths are Japanese-style hot springs that inherit the traditional appearance of Dogo Onsen. This hot spring hotel has a sense of atmosphere, even though it feels like a mismatch.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/5/22)




  • A stylish British-style hotel that's not too expensive

  • In Dogo, there are many inns that are worth less than 15,000 yen for delicious food, but here you can enjoy delicious French food for less than 15,000 yen (of course, if you choose the higher plan, you can enjoy more luxurious food). It is stylish and clean with a British style, and the hospitality is polite. For women, there is a rose bath (a hot spring with rose flowers floating in it), so young women can feel elegant. However, it may be wise to avoid making noise until late at night. If you make noise until late at night in your room, it will be a nuisance to those who want to sleep in the rooms around you, and the only places where you can do that are dormitories or youth hostels (by the way, there is a youth hostel, although it is a bit of a walk from the Dogo Onsen main building). There are many high-class hotels in Dogo in particular, and even cheap places provide good service, so you may receive complaints from other customers.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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