Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.


1The people

5-10-9 Yunohama, Ibusuki-shi

"SennarisoReviews about "

  • You can tour a shochu brewery in Ibusuki City

  • I chose "Ibusuki Minshuku Sennarisou" from the list of guesthouses in Ibusuki City because there are guesthouses and shochu breweries in Kagoshima Prefecture. In Ibusuki City, there are shochu breweries such as Ibusuki Shuzo, Yoshinaga Shuzo, Tamura Gomei Kaisha, and Shiratsuyu Shuzo, some of which can be visited. If you don't mind not staying in a guesthouse, there are many breweries in Kagoshima City, so it's a good choice.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


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