Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Kaiseki-yado Ougiya」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Kaiseki-yado Ougiya

7399 Takeo, Takeo-cho, Takeo-shi

"Kaiseki-yado OugiyaReviews about "

  • A high-quality Ryokan (Japanese inn) founded in 1905

  • If you're looking for a high-end Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Takeo Onsen, I recommend Kaiseki-yado Ogiya. It's a 12-minute walk from JR Takeo Onsen Station. This is a long-established, elegant, high-quality Ryokan (Japanese inn) that was founded in 1905. The guest rooms range from Sukiya-style Japanese-style rooms to Scandinavian-style Western-style rooms. There are also rooms with open-air baths where you can relax. The kaiseki cuisine is famous and has been featured in various media and won an award from the Michelin Guide.
    Rainbow 4169's answer (Posted on:2019/9/28)


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