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Hotel Tenbo」の口コミ&詳細

16The people
Hotel Tenbo

396-20 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-shi

"Hotel TenboReviews about "


  • An English-speaking inn with a variety of fun baths

  • This is an inn with a variety of fun baths, and they also offer English support. For people from English-speaking countries, it may be difficult to use the large public baths alone, but there are indoor and outdoor family baths (private baths are available for a fee), so you can use those instead. The twin rooms are spacious, and there is a wide selection of food, so I think this is a good inn to guide customers from overseas.
    コリドラス's answer (Posted on:2021/9/ 4)



  • A variety of baths to satisfy foreigners

  • Hotel Tenbo is an inn that has two hot springs, "Kogane no Yu" and "Shirogane no Yu," which are characteristic of Ikaho Onsen, and offers a variety of baths, including a rock bath and an open-air bath, where you can enjoy the finest hot springs. The inn also welcomes many foreign guests, and the reception desk staff can speak English as well as Chugoku. In addition to the hot springs, you will surely be satisfied with the food, which includes ingredients unique to Gunma Prefecture and local cuisine from northern Kanto.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/9/30)


  • Hotel Tenbo in Ikaho Onsen, a place that even elementary school students can enjoy

  • We recommend "Hotel Tenbo" in Ikaho Onsen, which has a well-equipped game corner. This hot spring inn is dotted with baths where you can enjoy the two types of hot springs that are characteristic of Ikaho Onsen, "Kogane no Yu" and "Shirogane no Yu", in a vast area of 3300m2. There is a corner here with over 20 types of games, including car racing games and Taiko no Tatsujin. There are various baths, such as a rock bath and an open-air bath, so you can fully enjoy the hot spring atmosphere. There are also private baths, so it is recommended for bathing with the family. For meals, you can enjoy Buffet of freshly prepared dishes such as beef fillet steak grilled in the open kitchen, salt-grilled river fish, freshly fried tempura, and Joshu specialties.
    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/18)


  • There is a well-equipped game corner!

  • The golden hot spring "Nigori-yu" that is unique to Ikaho is located on a vast site, and you can enjoy a variety of baths such as open-air baths, saunas, Shirogane-no-yu and Kogane-no-yu, to relieve your daily fatigue. In the open kitchen of the new style Buffet plan, you can enjoy freshly baked, fried, and freshly made dishes using local ingredients. Of course, there is a well-equipped game corner for children!
    ゆうてん's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 5)



  • This is a very satisfying inn with plenty of food and entertainment.

  • The game corner you requested has a wide range of games, from crane games and racing games to Taiko no Tatsujin. There are also many other facilities for the whole family to enjoy, such as a table tennis corner, and you can even play mahjong when your kids fall asleep, so it's fun for both adults and children. For meals, there is a Buffet corner for dinner (some meals) and breakfast, so even growing children will be very satisfied!
    えんがわ's answer (Posted on:2019/9/30)



  • Relax in a private bath

  • This hotel has a private bath, so it is recommended that you can enjoy hot spring without worrying about children. There are many other baths available on the very spacious grounds, so you can take a bath and visit them all. The dinner buffet, which uses locally produced ingredients, is also fun, and has menu that children will enjoy. Please consider this as one of your options.
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2018/4/12)


  • Highly recommended for family trips!

  • The hotel is easily accessible from Ikaho Onsen town and convenient for sightseeing at Green Farm. It has many family guests, so it is recommended for those with small children. You can refresh yourself from your daily fatigue in the wide variety of hot springs, including rock baths and tub baths.
    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/7/ 1)


  • Enjoy the wide variety of hot springs

  • I recommend "Hotel Tenbo" in Ikaho Onsen. It is a spacious hot spring hotel located in a very large area. This hotel has private baths, a rock bath using Sanbaishi, a natural monument, as well as a tub bath and a cave bath. There are a wide variety of Visiting hot springs in them. I think it will be a fun stay for children too.
    エイム's answer (Posted on:2016/5/13)


  • 伊香保温泉で温泉三昧

  • 群馬県渋川市の伊香保温泉にあるこの宿は、露天風呂やサウナはもちろん岩風呂・壺風呂・洞窟風呂・桶風呂・寝湯など壮大な敷地にたくさんの湯ぶねがあり、ちょっとしたテーマパーク状態です。朝食はバイキングで夜は外へ食べに行きましたが、問題なく快適でした。ホテル内の料亭個室でもゆったりと会席料理も食べれますよ。
    PP's answer (Posted on:2015/1/ 9)


  • This is an inn with plenty of hot spring.

  • I used this place before. I was living in Kanto at the time. This is the route we took when we had a precious day off and wanted to take our kids somewhere but didn't want them to get too tired. hot spring at this inn had many baths on the magnificent grounds, including open-air bath and sauna, as well as a rock bath, a jar bath, a cave bath, a tub bath, and a reclining bath, and it was like a little theme park. It seems like it was a memorable experience, and the kids were happy too. sightseeing, I recommend the Ikaho Toy, Doll and Automobile Museum, as visiting ranches and amusement parks can be tiring.
    PP's answer (Posted on:2014/9/14)


  • The hotel is located at the foot of the hot spring town.

  • Ikaho Onsen is a hot spring town that spreads out on the mountainside of Kaminoyama, and the famous stone staircase runs through the center of the town. However, these stone stairs are quite steep and long, so they may be a bit difficult for small children. Hotel Tenbo is located at the foot of the hot spring town, and you can reach the top of the mountain by car and ropeway. The view of the Ikaho Onsen townscape from the top of the mountain is also quite beautiful.
    のむた's answer (Posted on:2014/9/14)


  • It is a hot spring with a lovely, relaxing atmosphere.

  • It has a long history, and the staff are wonderful. The Japanese-style rooms are retro. Even though they are old, the beautifully polished desks and alcoves are wonderful. There are many different types of baths, and the rock bath and cauldron bath are recommended. You can enjoy the various baths while feeling the outside air. The food is also delicious, and I'm sure you will have a fulfilling time. Please enjoy yourself.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


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