Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Takeya Hotel」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Takeya Hotel

1-9-25 Yunohama, Tsuruoka-shi

"Takeya HotelReviews about "

  • Experience the beautiful sunset at Yunohama

  • This inn is built on the coast, and the Sea of Japan is right in front of you. You can see a beautiful sunset from your room. For dinner, we had a delicious kaiseki meal with plenty of seafood in a private dining room. The specialty, Hamayaki, was very tasty. The large communal bath was nice, with a large indoor bath and a spacious outdoor bath made of rocks.
    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/1/ 7)


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