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Yaizu Grand Hotel」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Yaizu Grand Hotel

1489 Hamatome, Yaizu-shi

"Yaizu Grand HotelReviews about "

  • How about sightseeing in Yaizu?

  • If you take the Shinkansen from Osaka Station, you will arrive at Yaizu Station in no time. If you use a Seishun 18 Ticket, the ride will be longer, so you can truly enjoy your train trip. Yaizu is a quieter town than Atami or Izu, but there are many wonderful sights to see. I recommend the view of Mt. Fuji from Discovery Park. It's a hidden gem with a magnificent Breathtaking view. Of course, you can enjoy the view from this inn. Hanazawa-no-Sato, with its quaint rows of row houses, is also nice. From the inn's open-air bath, you can see the magnificent sea view, making it a relaxing inn.
    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/11/ 2)


  • The view is great and you can enjoy delicious seafood.

  • When I, a salesman from Kansai, take the Shinkansen to Tokyo on a business trip, I always get a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji when I pass by this area (Fujikawa Bridge to Atami). There's an industry superstition that if you can see it, your work will go well. I've never forgotten the delicious fish I had when I traveled to Yaizu outside of work, so I recommend Yaizu Grand Hotel for these two reasons. They have ocean view rooms and rooms with a panoramic view of Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay.
    金太待つ神田's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 6)


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