Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.


14The people

10 Asakawa, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun

"UbuyaReviews about "

  • There are rooms with open-air baths.

  • If you are looking for a place to stay with an open-air bath near Lake Kawaguchi or Lake Yamanaka, we recommend Kozantei Ubuya. The rooms offer views of Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji, and come with an open-air bath. We also recommend the extensive hot spring facilities, including an open-air bath, large communal bath, sitting bath, and Lying-down bath.
    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/3/16)



  • This is an inn where you can see Mt. Fuji from anywhere.

  • If you stay at Kozantei Ubuya in Kawaguchiko Onsenkyo, you can enjoy beautiful views of Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji from all of your rooms. You can enjoy Mt. Fuji not only from your room, but also from the restaurant, lounge, courtyard, large public bath and open-air bath with natural hot springs. The delicious cuisine made with local ingredients is also recommended.
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/12/22)


  • View of Mt. Fuji from the shores of Lake Kawaguchi

  • すべての部屋から富士山が眺めらることができます。運が良ければ早朝に河口湖に逆さ富士が期待できます。それから、富士山とは全然関係ないのですが、お母さんと二人で行かれるそうなので極秘情報をお教えします。それはサプライズでマッサージを予約してみてはいかがでしょうか?親孝行のお手伝いをしてくれるマッサージのおばさんが超一流(この地区では有名だそうです)でしたのでホテルで聞いてみてください。私は30年くらい全国の温泉を旅していますが全国で3本の指に入ると思います。
    広島の丸ちゃん's answer (Posted on:2017/11/14)


  • If you want to see Mt. Fuji!

  • Hello. If so, how about "Kosantei Ubuya"? This is an inn located on the shore of Lake Kawaguchi, and one of its attractions is the view of Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji from the bath. You can also see Mt. Fuji from the rooms. For meals, you can enjoy authentic kaiseki cuisine, which is highly recommended.
    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2017/8/17)


  • A perfect place for important events

  • A free shuttle bus runs from Fujikyuko Kawaguchiko Station, making this hotel easy to access. The luxurious interior and rooms make it perfect for important events such as wedding anniversaries. The hotel is in a great location, with views of Mt. Fuji from the guest room windows.
    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/7/10)


  • マウンテンビューがきれい

  • 富士急行の河口湖駅から無料のシャトルバスが運行しているので、アクセスに便利なホテルです。すべての客室の窓から富士山を眺めることができる、ロケーションが素敵なホテルになります。天然の温泉でリフレッシュするのもお奨めになります。大浴場や露天風呂からも富士山と河口湖を一望できました。
    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/6/ 4)


  • The best way to enjoy Mt. Fuji

  • Although it depends on the weather, you can enjoy Breathtaking view of Mt. Fuji. The view of Mt. Fuji from the bath is amazing, and you can see the real Mt. Fuji just like you would see on a mural in a public bath. The food is also delicious, so it seems like Ryokan (Japanese inn) for married couple to relax and enjoy their wedding anniversary.
    hohohoshi's answer (Posted on:2016/11/ 9)


  • All rooms have a view of Mt. Fuji.

  • I recommend "Kosantei Ubuya", a hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) where you can see Mt. Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi from every room. It's a little pricey, but it's worth it, so please try staying there. The food is also very delicious.
    あぶ's answer (Posted on:2016/10/19)


  • You can see Mt. Fuji from anywhere

  • How about "Kosantei Ubuya" located in the northeast part of Lake Kawaguchi? You can see Mt. Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi from all rooms, the large communal bath, and the open-air bath. Although it is a traditional Japanese-style hot spring, there are some Japanese-modern rooms and Western-style rooms with tatami corners. Please consider it.
    るき's answer (Posted on:2016/10/17)


  • 晴れていれば浴場からも客室からも富士山を楽しめます

  • 2月に家族旅行で行きましたが、天気さえ良ければ宿の様々な場所から富士山を拝めます。宿の前は河口湖なので遮る物もありません。客室も富士山を楽しめるように出窓のようなつくりになっていました。お邪魔した時期は毎日花火を打ち上げており、それも客室から楽しむことができました。ラウンジも浴室も同じく眺望を考慮したつくりになっています。ただ、女性用はわかりませんが男性用の露天風呂に関してはスペースが狭く、2月だと寒くて長居したくなかったです。接遇や料理に関しては、非常に満足できるものでした。
    弾丸旅行好き's answer (Posted on:2016/5/ 4)


  • We could see Mt. Fuji from the open-air bath in our room.

  • 窓が絵画の額縁のようになって、美しい富士山を見ることができました。部屋から眺める河口湖も、まるで湖の中に部屋があると錯覚するくらい素晴らしい眺めです 。お部屋は広く綺麗で、大きな窓は開放的で気持ちの良い設えでした。お風呂は広くてバラエティーに富み、楽しめました。
    ぴぴ's answer (Posted on:2015/10/26)


  • The hot springs are amazing and you can see Mt Fuji straight from your room.

  • The view of Mt. Fuji in winter is very good. This hotel is a 10-minute shuttle bus ride away from Kawaguchiko Station. The transportation is very convenient. The location is easy to get to. The food is delicious and the hot springs are the best. You can relax in the Fujikawaguchiko hot springs while overlooking Mt. Fuji. Best of all, you can look at Mt. Fuji right in front of you while relaxing in your room. It's soothing.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)



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