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Izutoi Hot Spring Fujiya Hotel」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Izutoi Hot Spring Fujiya Hotel

478-1 Toi, Izu-shi

"Izutoi Hot Spring Fujiya HotelReviews about "

  • Enjoy strawberry picking and hot springs

  • You can enjoy strawberry picking and hot springs, and the food is delicious. There is an open-air observation bath, the view is great, it is close to the sea and the river, and the service is good. The rooms are spacious and satisfying. The meals in the room are just the right amount and you can enjoy local food. The bath on the balcony is spacious and you can watch the sunset. The building is well-maintained and very comfortable.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


  • View of Mt. Fuji across the sea

  • フェリーで行く温泉はいかがでしょう?駿河湾フェリーを利用すると駿河湾を清水港から土肥港までを横断する船の旅もたのしめます。土肥港からホテルまでは事前に予約しておくと送迎してくれます。駿河湾に浮かぶ富士山は圧巻です!特に冬場の富士山は真っ白で、空気が澄んでいて富士山がきれいにみえます。温泉地からの金山跡の散策もお薦めです。
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


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