Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Hotel ALPEN BLICK」の口コミ&詳細

1The people

2452 Ikenotaira, Myoko-shi

"Hotel ALPEN BLICKReviews about "

  • You can eat as much crab as you want and enjoy hot spring.

  • hot spring is a rare black water that flows directly from the source, and you can enjoy it in the cloudy black open-air bath. For meals, you can eat as much red snow crab from the Sea of Japan as you like at the adjacent local beer factory restaurant (3 minutes walk, shuttle service available) with an all-you-can-eat main dish and about 30 Japanese and Western dishes. You can also enjoy freshly brewed Myoko Kogen beer made with natural water to go with your meal.
    ゆうてん's answer (Posted on:2020/10/17)


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