Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.


4The people

1-1 Yunotai, Tazawako Tazawa, Senboku-shi

"YamanoyadoReviews about "

  • The private open-air bath at Tsuru no Yu Annex Yama no Yado is recommended for families

  • This is the annex of Tsuru no Yu in Nyuto Onsenkyo, but compared to the main building, the rooms here are more spacious and there is also a private open-air bath, so the whole family can relax in it. This private open-air bath can also be used in the evenings and mornings, so it was great to be able to spend time with my family while watching the beautiful starry sky. If you stay at a mountain inn, you can also use the hot springs at the main building of Tsuru no Yu for free. The main building of Tsuru no Yu tends to get crowded during the day with day-trippers, but if you stay at a mountain inn, you can enjoy bathing in the evenings and other times when guests are staying overnight. Also, cooking around Japanese hearth is a true pleasure of a mountain trip, and I'm sure your children will enjoy it!
    tontin's answer (Posted on:2020/7/14)


  • hot spring are great, but that's not all.

  • 交通の便が悪く飲食店もほとんどない山奥にあるホテルなのですが、冬は人気で予約をとるのが大変です。雪が深々とつもり、しんしんと雪が降る中、白濁色のにごり湯は最高で素晴らしい!!ここは別館ですが本館も良く、どちらも食事付きで一人2円以下でした。もう一つおすすめは、食事処です。囲炉裏を囲んで山の幸や郷土料理をいただきました。
    PP's answer (Posted on:2014/10/27)


  • If you are visiting for the first time, this accommodation is recommended.

  • This is the annex of Tsuru-no-yu Hotel, famous for its secret hot springs, and it cost about 15,000 yen per person with two meals included. You can stay in the main building for as low as 10,000 yen. The recommended season is winter, when soaking in the milky white water while watching the snow is the best. It is popular, so you need to make a bath to view the snow early. There don't seem to be many shops nearby, so be sure to bring all the amenities you need.
    PP's answer (Posted on:2014/8/30)


  • You can take a bath in the famous Tsuru-no-Yu hot spring.

  • In the past, this hot spring was said to be a secret hot spring, and it was not easy to get there, but with the recent hot spring boom, it has been thrown into the limelight and is becoming more and more popular. "Tsuru no Yu" is quite old and was really only for people who wanted to cure their illnesses, but the annex is a facility that has been opened for tourists, so it is recommended for its comfortable stay.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/8/30)


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