Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Ryokan Naraya」の口コミ&詳細

4The people
Ryokan Naraya


"Ryokan NarayaReviews about "

  • 創業140余年を誇る草津の老舗宿です

  • 「奈良屋」は創業明治10年の老舗宿で、湯畑のすぐそばにあります。和の情緒が味わえる宿で、客室のタイプは書院造の和室か、和モダンの和洋室から選べます。館内には風情のある内湯と露天風呂があり、草津最古の白旗源泉がかけ流しで楽しめます。貸切風呂(露天と内風呂)もあるので、一人での入浴も可能です。夕食は地元の旬の食材を使った会席料理です。部屋食か個室の食事処でいただけるので、周りの目を気にせず食事ができますよ。
    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/4/17)


  • A long-established inn founded 137 years ago, with a charming gate that gives off a sense of history

  • This inn is located right in front of the Yubatake, the symbol of Kusatsu, and is a long-established inn that has continued to protect the Shirahata hot spring source, said to be the oldest in Kusatsu Onsen, and its old traditions since it was founded in 1877. The guest rooms are designer rooms with modern Japanese furniture, and the three types of private open-air baths were very relaxing and relaxing.
    ぷりん's answer (Posted on:2019/7/17)



  • 格式の高い旅館

  • この旅館は草津温泉では指折りの優れた旅館で、格式が高いので少し料金は高いですが通じると思います。ランキングを観てもらっても納得がいく旅館ですから満足されると思います。古風なたたずまいで、すごく良いと思いますよ。
    さむ's answer (Posted on:2015/2/18)


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