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Hotel Listel Inawashiro Wing Tower」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Hotel Listel Inawashiro Wing Tower

Listel Park, OazaKawageta, Inawashiro-machi, Yama-gun

"Hotel Listel Inawashiro Wing TowerReviews about "

  • A hotel where you can enjoy winter to the fullest

  • This is a resort hotel adjacent to a ski resort. Even if you are not used to driving on snowy roads, you can drive safely as it is right next to the highway interchange. You can enjoy winter sports at the ski resort all day long, and relax at the spa. The rooms are spacious and clean, with a great view outside the window, and the food is delicious. The staff are very kind. I think this is a hotel where you can fully enjoy winter.
    はるいち's answer (Posted on:2014/12/ 1)


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