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Atami Onsen Sakuraya Ryokan」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Atami Onsen Sakuraya Ryokan

Higashi Kaigancho 9-11

"Atami Onsen Sakuraya RyokanReviews about "

  • Up to 8 people can stay in the same room! A conveniently located Ryokan (Japanese inn) just a 5-minute walk from Atami Station!

  • Sakuraya Ryokan (Japanese inn) is a 5-minute walk from Atami Station, making it a very convenient location for getting to Atami by train. What's more, there are spacious rooms with a 12-tatami mat and 10-tatami mat Japanese-style room and a Western-style room with a sofa, so even if eight people stay, they won't feel cramped. There are also plenty of baths, including an open-air bath and sauna, and you can enjoy the hot springs. There is also a mahjong room, so if you're staying with a group, I recommend this inn.
    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/11/29)



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