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ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Grand Court Nagoya」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Grand Court Nagoya

1-1-1 Kanayama-cho, Naka-ku, Aichi

"ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Grand Court NagoyaReviews about "

  • Train view plans are available.

  • If you're visiting the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park, you must be a train lover. This hotel offers a train view plan, so I recommend it. You can enjoy the Meitetsu trains to your heart's content. Although it is an ANA hotel, the nearest station is Kanayama Station, one stop away from Nagoya, so the price is reasonable. The night view from the observation restaurant is spectacular. There are also many restaurants nearby, making it very convenient. The customer service and rooms are just like a luxury hotel. I think you will be very satisfied with your stay.
    センノシド's answer (Posted on:2017/12/31)



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