Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Ark Hotel Hiroshimaeki Minami」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Ark Hotel Hiroshimaeki Minami

1-45 Nishikoujin-machi, Minami-ku

"Ark Hotel Hiroshimaeki MinamiReviews about "

  • Convenient hotel near Hiroshima Station

  • A convenient hotel within walking distance of Hiroshima Station. It is also cheap and reliable. The rooms are business-style. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms, making it convenient for business. The breakfast Buffet is free, but it has a wide variety of dishes and is a good deal. There are traditional Hiroshima dishes, Japanese food, and Western food to choose from. Recently, many hotels have been trying to differentiate themselves with their breakfasts, and I am happy to see that the quality has improved.
    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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