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Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Takamatsu」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Takamatsu


"Kusatsu Onsen Hotel TakamatsuReviews about "

  • Located near the Yubatake hot springs, this lodge is friendly to senior citizen

  • The hotel is located just a 4-minute walk from the Yubatake in the center of Kusatsu Onsen, making it an ideal location for sightseeing and strolling around the hot spring town. You can park your car right at the entrance, and there is a slope at the entrance, so it is easy to move around in a wheelchair. Of course, the entire building is barrier-free, and wheelchairs are available for rental. There are handrails in the large public bath, making it easy for people with weak legs to use. Meals suitable for the elderly are also provided, making it an ideal place for elderly people to stay.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/2/ 6)



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