Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Honke Bankyu Hot Spring Ryokan」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Honke Bankyu Hot Spring Ryokan

749 Yunishikawa

"Honke Bankyu Hot Spring RyokanReviews about "

  • Enjoy snow viewing from a quiet mountain lodge

  • The Kamakura Festival is held every year in the Yunishigawa Onsen area. During that time, you can enjoy food and drinks in Kamakura. A recommended lodging nearby is "Bankyu." It's large and has a wide range of hot spring facilities. Although it's a bit inconvenient to get to, you can enjoy a relaxing stay in a rustic environment that you won't find in Nikko or Nasu.
    ちび's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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