Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

"Resort Park Hotel Onikoube" Reviews & Details

1The people
Resort Park Hotel Onikoube

Narukoonsen Onikōbe

"Resort Park Hotel OnikoubeReviews about "

  • Relax in style at this Swiss chalet-style resort hotel

  • This is a Swiss chalet-style hot spring resort hotel. We enjoyed the large public bath while gazing at the magnificent Nature beauty. You can experience a resort atmosphere that is a little different from hot spring town of Naruko. There are several types of rooms, but if you want to experience luxury, we recommend the suites surrounded by European furniture. At night, you can enjoy a star-filled sky. We recommend that you join a star night cruise. You can enjoy a wonderful stargazing experience.
    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2023/9/ 4)


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