Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Minami Sanriku Hotel Kanyo」の口コミ&詳細

4The people
Minami Sanriku Hotel Kanyo

99-17 Kurosaki, Shizugawa, Minamisanriku-cho, Motoyoshi-gun

"Minami Sanriku Hotel KanyoReviews about "

  • It's a little far from Tokyo, but the view of the ocean from the open-air bath is Breathtaking view!

  • Minami Sanriku Hotel has Breathtaking view view of the ocean from its open-air bath. You can relax in the hot springs while watching the seagulls and the beautiful ocean of Minami Sanriku, and it is a luxurious time that will heal both your body and mind. Because the ocean is close, the seafood is also delicious, and whether you eat it at the hotel or at a restaurant in the nearby Minami Sanriku San San Shopping Street, it is both delicious.
    鶴太郎's answer (Posted on:2019/5/26)





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