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Ryotei Matsubaya Hotel」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Ryotei Matsubayashi Hotel

Kankaiji 3

"Ryotei Matsubaya HotelReviews about "

  • A Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) that combines retro and modern elements

  • If you are a married couple staying at Beppu Onsen, I recommend "Tabitei Matsubaya." Located on a small hill, it offers a panoramic view of Beppu city. Founded in 1926, it is a Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) that combines retro and modern styles. The hot spring water flows directly from the source. The open-air bath, carved into a huge 6-ton monolith, is particularly special as it offers a view of the nightscape of Beppu city. The rooms are clean, spacious and comfortable.
    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/12/26)


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