Current number of reviews posted2,622 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Reviews and details of "Shikotsuko Daiichi Hotel Suizantei"

1The people
Shikotsuko Daiichi Hotel Suizantei


"Shikotsuko Daiichi Hotel SuizanteiReviews about "

  • I think it has a retro feel to it.

  • I recommend Lake Shikotsu in Hokkaido. It is a high-class hotel with a quiet atmosphere where adults can relax more than families with children. However, I don't recommend it in winter because the snowy roads are quite dangerous, but I think it's nice in winter too. Personally, I prefer the lush green Lake Shikotsu in summer. Lake Shikotsu Onsen is also very good, and how about relaxing after a long day of travel by enjoying music and tea while watching the sunset in the lovely salon on the second floor of the hotel...
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)
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