Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Yufuin Souan Kosumosu」の口コミ&詳細

5The people
Yufuin Souan Kosumosu

1500 Kawakami

"Yufuin Souan KosumosuReviews about "

  • A hotel with a spacious and open private bath available free of charge

  • There is a spacious, open-air private bath that guests can use free of charge. The rooms have a calming atmosphere and are very relaxing. There are also independent guest cottages rooms with open-air baths. Meals include a kaiseki course with luxurious ingredients, hot pot dishes with shamo, Bungo beef steaks, and other delicious seasonal ingredients that fit your budget.
    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/9/15)


  • This inn takes pride in its food, and you can also enjoy hot springs.

  • 日替わりの「旬彩懐石コース」は懐石料理でいただけます。料理長が厳選した地元の大分の旬の食材を活かした懐石料理がおいしいです。源泉かけ流しの大浴場や露天風呂で、とろとろの湯布院の湯を楽しめるのでおすすめの温泉宿ですよ。
    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 3)


  • An inn located just past hot spring town

  • I picked this place up because I was looking for a place to stay in Yufuin hot spring that would go well with a stroll around hot spring town. The inn is located at the end of the hot hot spring town from the station, so it might be a good idea to head to the inn while checking out the restaurants you want to eat at.
    イイエモン's answer (Posted on:2019/5/ 3)


  • 本当にゆっくりすることが出来る「宿」です。

  • 昨年の12月に、夫婦で湯布院に宿泊しました。落ち着いた雰囲気の旅館が良ければ特におすすめです。従業員の方々の対応や、電話での受け答えも非常に感じが良かったです。
    オヤジ温泉's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)



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