Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

APA Hotel & Resort Tokyo Bay Shiomi」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
APA Hotel & Resort Tokyo Bay Shiomi


"APA Hotel & Resort Tokyo Bay ShiomiReviews about "

  • A business hotel in Tokyo with good value for money

  • This is a hotel where you can stay for multiple nights with peace of mind and good value for money. The staff at APA Hotel are very polite, so you can consult them immediately if you have any problems. There is a convenience store right next door, so I think it's fine to stay without meals. You can stay cheaply with a breakfast buffet included, so it's a good idea to choose that for a night or so to change your mood. The hotel is also conveniently located, and you can easily get around Tokyo, so it's easy to go sightseeing.
    NULL's answer (Posted on:2015/4/ 5)


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