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Hotel Okada」の口コミ&詳細

4The people
Hotel Okada

191 Yumoto Chaya, Hakone-Machi, Ashigarashimo-Gun

"Hotel OkadaReviews about "

  • 箱根の自然を満喫できるホテル

  • 箱根湯本にある大規模な温泉のあるホテル。川沿いにあり、お部屋からも川を見渡せ、眺めがいいです。源泉の数が豊富で、13カ所の浴槽があってホテル内で湯めぐりをしました。私は泊まってないですが、露天風呂つきの贅沢な客室もあります。ちょっとしたゲームコーナーと卓球台もありました。お土産も色々取り揃えていて見ていて楽しかったです。お食事には、地酒や地魚など、当地のグルメを堪能できました。


    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2020/7/16)



  • A Hakone inn where you can enjoy rooms with open-air bath and a pool even on day trips.

  • Okada, a hotel in Hakone Yumoto Onsen, has five hot springs, and is an inn where you can enjoy an abundant amount of hot water and high-quality hot spring. There is also a luxurious plan where you can enjoy Hakone's hot spring, even on a day trip, by using a room with a hot spring bath. There is an outdoor pool, so children will surely enjoy it, so it is recommended.
    クッキー's answer (Posted on:2019/4/22)


  • Enjoy Hakone Yumoto Onsen with a wide variety of bathing facilities

  • I have stayed at Hotel Okada. We went with our children so we chose a cheaper plan, but the main building had a room with open-air bath and the interior had a very luxurious atmosphere. The food was also pretty good. What I recommend about this hotel is that it has a day hot spring, and there are 13 open-air bath baths in the large communal bath, so you can enjoy a variety of different hot spring. I think it's a good choice for people who want to relax at the hotel.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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