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Ibusuki Onsen Hotel Shogetsu」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Ibusuki Onsen Hotel Shogetsu

2-12-7 Yunohama, Ibusuki-shi

"Ibusuki Onsen Hotel ShogetsuReviews about "

  • 海に面した部屋からは絶景

  • 海に面した絶景を楽しめます。館内はリゾートムードが漂うおしゃれな造りで、どこで写真を撮っても絵になると思います。料理は近くの海でとれた新鮮な魚介類や薩摩豚など地本の食材を活かした料理を食べました。盛り付けもきれいで美味しかったです。周辺には砂風呂の施設がたくさんありました。
    そよこ's answer (Posted on:2019/5/11)


  • The rooms are clean and the food is delicious.

  • The sand bath is just a few minutes walk from the hotel. The food is delicious. The rooms are clean and tidy. What impressed me most was that I burned my calf in the sand bath, and I couldn't even soak in the bath after Golden Week (early-May holiday season in Japan) bath, so I cooled my calf with cold water, but it still hurt, so I asked reception desk at the Coral Beach hotel for some ice, and they brought me a lot of ice right away. Thanks to them, my burn healed. I remember being grateful that they were accommodating me even though there were a lot of customers during Golden Week.
    みんみん's answer (Posted on:2016/3/ 2)


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