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Hotel Okura Kobe」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Hotel Okura Kobe

2-1 Hatoba-cho, Chuo-ku

"Hotel Okura KobeReviews about "


  • A prestigious hotel in a convenient location in Motomachi, Kobe

  • Both the Luminarie and Chinatown are located in the Motomachi area of Kobe. There are several hotels in the Motomachi area that are easily accessible, but the one I would like to recommend this time is Hotel Okura Kobe. During the Luminarie period, there are some traffic restrictions, and you may have to take a detour from Motomachi or Sannomiya Station to the Luminarie area when going out at night or on your way home, which can be a bit of a hassle. For this reason, Hotel Okura, which is close to Motomachi and located independent guest cottages from the station from the Luminarie area, is relatively unaffected by traffic restrictions and is convenient. Although it is a luxury hotel, it can be within your budget if you choose the right plan and date, and it is also convenient that there is a shuttle bus to Sannomiya on weekdays and to Shin-Kobe on weekends and holidays.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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