Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Ito Cocorone」の口コミ&詳細

5The people
Ito Cocorone

3713-16 Usami

"Ito CocoroneReviews about "



  • 新鮮で豪快な舟盛が食べられる旅館

  • 海の傍に立つ小さな旅館ですが、夕食は日本の口コミサイトで15年間5つ星評価です。地元産の金目鯛の姿煮、さらには朝、伊東港で水揚げされたばかりの新鮮な舟盛りが付きます。食べきれないほどの量と新鮮な海の幸にきっと満足できると思います。お風呂もほぼ貸切で利用できます。オーシャンビューでもあり、伊東温泉の中でも是非お奨めしたい旅館です。
    hahata's answer (Posted on:2023/11/14)



  • An inn located 8 minutes' walk from Usami Beach

  • Kinmedai no Yado Kokorone is a guesthouse conveniently located just an 8-minute walk from Usami Beach. It takes about a 5-minute drive from Usami Station, but a free shuttle is available. All rooms have an ocean view and are stylish Western-style rooms. The inn has an indoor bath and an open-air bath with Breathtaking view view of the ocean, and you can enjoy 100% natural hot spring in both. Dinner is a creative dish centered around Kinmedai, and you can also order spiny lobster, abalone, Izu beef, and other dishes depending on your preference.
    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/8/21)


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