Current number of reviews posted5,475 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Hotel Grand Arc Hanzomon」の口コミ&詳細

1The people
Hotel Grand Arc Hanzomon

1-1 Hayabusa-cho, Chiyoda Ku

"Hotel Grand Arc HanzomonReviews about "

  • A business hotel located near the Hanzomon side of the Imperial Palace

  • If you are staying near the Imperial Palace, this hotel is recommended. It is a beautiful hotel and the rooms are very well maintained, so you can stay there with peace of mind. It is in a very convenient location for sightseeing as you can go anywhere in Tokyo. It is a hidden gem of a hotel where you can stay in peace.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2015/1/29)


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